This connection, which begins in Xi'an, the capital of the Shaanxi region, runs on the Northern Silk Road and crosses the Chinese-Kazakh border at Dostyk before passing through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland and the Czech Republic on its way to Austria. After a short stop at Terminal Vienna South (Wien Süd), the train is then dispatched on to Milan. This journey of approximately 10,000 train kilometres is covered in a total of 14 to 16 days. Stopping at Terminal Vienna South (Wien Süd) means that goods can be distributed further via our dense and efficient network of TransFER connections to Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Turkey and also within Austria.

Your advantages
- Direct connection between Xi'an, Terminal Vienna South (Wien Süd) and Terminal Melzo (Milan)
- 1 round trip per week (will be increased to 2 round trips per week by the end of 2020)
- Fixed timetable
- Attractive transit time of 14 to 16 days
- Connection to our unparalleled European network
- Storage facilities in our logistics centres across Europe
- Management and handling of first mile and last mile services by truck
- Additional forwarding services such as organizing distribution, loading/unloading/transloading, load restraint, weighing, transshipment facilities and warehouse logistics, preparing consignment notes, transshipment, customs services, wagon cleaning