Rail Cargo Logistics - Serbia d.o.o. Beograd
As a rail logistics company in Serbia, we develop multimodal logistics solutions. In the future the focus will be extended to conventional transport. Rail Cargo Logistics - Southeast d.o.o. is a joint venture between Rail Cargo Logistics - Austria (51 %) and the Serbian forwarding company Transfera d.o.o. (49 %) and uses its European network to connect Serbia more closely with Turkey and Greece as well as the ports of Hamburg and Rotterdam.
Services, links and downloads
Company data
Head office
SRB-11070 Novi Beograd
Omladinskih Brigada 21A, A1 - Management
Certified according to
ISO 9001
Company registration number
22016059, Beogradski arbitražni centar (Belgrade Arbitration Center)
VAT ID no.
Bank details
Unicredit bank Serbia JSC
IBAN: RS3517 0003 0067 4720 0166, BIC: BACXRSBG
Rail Cargo Carrier - Serbia d.o.o. Beograd
With its own rail freight company Rail Cargo Carrier - Serbia d.o.o., Rail Cargo Group offers outstanding international production for all kinds of goods and strengthens industrial locations in Serbia. As a transit country, Serbia is an important hub for transports towards Greece, Turkey and the Western Balkans.
Services, links and downloads
Company data
Head office
SRB-11070 Novi Beograd
Omladinskih brigada 21A, A1 - Management
Company registration number
VAT ID no.
Bank details
Unicredit bank Serbia JSC
RS3517 0003 0056 6433 2033, BIC: BACXRSBG