Our subsidiaries in Serbia

Rail Cargo Logistics - Serbia d.o.o. Beograd

As a rail logistics company in Serbia, we develop multimodal logistics solutions. In the future the focus will be extended to conventional transport. Rail Cargo Logistics - Southeast d.o.o. is a joint venture between Rail Cargo Logistics - Austria (51 %) and the Serbian forwarding company Transfera d.o.o. (49 %) and uses its European network to connect Serbia more closely with Turkey and Greece as well as the ports of Hamburg and Rotterdam.  

Services, links and downloads

Company data

  • Head office

    SRB-11070 Novi Beograd
    Omladinskih Brigada 21A, A1

  • Management

    Goran Jokic
    Zoran Vranješ

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001

  • Company registration number

    22016059, Beogradski arbitražni centar (Belgrade Arbitration Center)

  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    Unicredit bank Serbia JSC

    IBAN: RS3517 0003 0067 4720 0166, BIC: BACXRSBG

Rail Cargo Carrier - Serbia d.o.o. Beograd

With its own rail freight company Rail Cargo Carrier - Serbia d.o.o., Rail Cargo Group offers outstanding international production for all kinds of goods and strengthens industrial locations in Serbia. As a transit country, Serbia is an important hub for transports towards Greece, Turkey and the Western Balkans. 

Services, links and downloads

Company data

  • Head office

    SRB-11070 Novi Beograd
    Omladinskih brigada 21A, A1

  • Management

    Milan Brkic
    Zeljko Drobnjak

  • Company registration number


  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    Unicredit bank Serbia JSC
    RS3517 0003 0056 6433 2033, BIC: BACXRSBG