MIKE provides a wide range of services for the transport of goods. Constantly updated with new functionalities, the digital logistics platform makes the organisation of transports easier, more efficient and more transparent – from booking and ordering transport capacity or empty wagons to tracking your consignments. MIKE has three main functionalities – Ordering, Tracking and Capacity Planning – that combine and interlink internal and external logistics processes within one central platform. Your individual requirements are our top priority.
Process your bookings, orders and transport orders – quickly and easily using templates. The status overview means you are always in control. Whether it’s a single wagonload (SWL) or block trains.
You place the order – we take care of the rest.
Knowing where your consignments are at all times – no problem for MIKE! Track your transports – empty or loaded – in a clear overview of tables and maps.
You keep the overview – we track your consignments.
Capacity Planning
MIKE calculates your predicted wagon requirements for the coming months – based on your production plan, wagon circulation and other transport and logistics-related details. You can anticipate and respond to future bottlenecks and overcapacity in good time based on a comprehensive analysis of your logistics processes and requirements.
You have the production plan – we work with you to calculate expected capacities.
Our system administrators – your points of contact
Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland
Name Telephone E-Mail Gerald Schiller +43 664 2866117 gerald.schiller@railcargo.com Julia Zawrel +43 664 6172228 julia.zawrel@railcargo.com Nazariy Hilevych +43 664 88414916 nazariy.hilevych@railcargo.com Upper Austria
Name Telephone E-Mail Harald Jung +43 664 6174589 harald.jung@railcargo.com Alina Manzenreiter +43 664 8209374 alina.manzenreiter@railcargo.com Salzburg
Name Telephone E-Mail Verena Haslauer +43 664 8339253 verena.haslauer@railcargo.com Styria
Name Telephone E-Mail Michael Fischer +43 664 2865232 michael.fischer2@railcargo.com Carinthia
Name Telephone E-Mail Roman Janetzke +43 664 88171938 roman.janetzke@railcargo.com Tyrol, Vorarlberg
Name Telephone E-Mail Martin Samitsch +43 664 6174580 martin.samitsch@railcargo.com Petar Stojakovic +43 664 6175742 petar.stojakovic@railcargo.com Mersed Besic +43 664 6175411 mersed.besic@railcargo.com