Our subsidiaries in Austria

Rail Cargo Logistics GmbH

Rail Cargo Logistics GmbH is a full-service provider of transport logistics for bulk goods and additional logistics services for products in the petroleum, gas, petrochemical and agricultural industries. The range of services the company offers includes custom-made individual services as well as customer-specific complete solutions. Rail Cargo Logistics GmbH offers integrated hazardous goods logistics at the Krems logistics site: freight management by rail, ship and truck, storage logistics for hazardous goods, including supplementary services.

Company data

  • Head office

    A-1100 Wien, Am Hauptbahnhof 2

    Logistics site
    A-3500 Krems, Hafenstraße 77

  • Management

    Reinhold Pölzl

    Thomas Danner, Martin Frühmann, Leo Leichtfried, Viktoria Pokorny

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 45001, GMP+ B4, AEOF

  • Company registration number

    FN 191076 w, commercial court Vienna

  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Austria AG
    IBAN: AT57 1200 0006 8619 1503, BIC: BKAUATWW

Rail Cargo Logistics - Austria GmbH

Rail Cargo Logistics - Austria GmbH uses innovative transport technologies to implement forward-looking and individual logistics and transport solutions from a single source for the automotive, building materials, consumer goods, wood, paper, raw materials and steel industries. Together with its customers, Rail Cargo Logistics - Austria GmbH develops industry-specific, custom-made rail logistics solutions – from individual services to customer-specific complete solutions.

Company data

  • Head office

    A-1100 Wien, Am Hauptbahnhof 2

  • Management

    Carl Azinger
    Thomas Eisler

    Georg Ebenberger, Judith Fiala, Christopher Prax-Huber, Peter Vanek


    Supervisory Board
    Christoph Grasl, Borchard-Berend Lagers, Katharina Schelberger (capital representatives)
    Martina Bosch, Sandra Zangl (employee's representatives)

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 45001, AEOS

  • Company registration number

    FN 73932 z, commercial court Vienna

  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Austria AG
    IBAN: AT07 1200 0229 1003 7100, BIC: BKAUATWW

Rail Cargo Operator - Austria GmbH

Rail Cargo Operator - Austria GmbH plays a leading role in implementing high-frequency long-distance connections for heavy goods. Whether to Germany, Turkey, or far beyond to Asia, the specialist for unaccompanied and accompanied combined transport does more than just connect the most important ports and terminals with one another; it also connects entire economic regions – and at high frequency to boot.

Company data

  • Head office

    A-1100 Wien, Am Hauptbahnhof 2

  • Management

    Matthias Kirchgasser

    Rafi Papo, Nenad Stancic

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 10002, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 45001, AEOS

  • Company registration number

    FN 424819 i, commercial court Vienna

  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Austria AG
    IBAN: AT84 1200 0100 1681 0458, BIC: BKAUATWW

Rail Cargo Austria AG

Rail Cargo Austria AG is the operational parent company of the Rail Cargo Group.

Company data

  • Head office

    A-1100 Wien, Am Hauptbahnhof 2

  • Management

    ​Executive Board
    ​Supervisory Board

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 45001, ECM EU VO (EU) 2019/779, GMP+ B4, SMS EU RL 2004/49/EG & §39 EisbG, AEOF

  • Company registration number

    FN 248731 g, commercial court Vienna

  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Austria AG
    IBAN: AT92 1200 0506 6263 0201, BIC: BKAUATWW

TransANT GmbH

The joint venture of Rail Cargo Group and voestalpine Stahl GmbH has set itself the task of creating capacities in the market for innovative and cost-efficient freight cars and maintaining the necessary agility across group boundaries. The objective of the project company is to bundle the activities of both groups, starting with a preparatory phase for planning, project management and establishing contacts with potential customers of the innovative TransANT freight car concept. Furthermore the planning of the plant construction, pre-series production and transition to series production.

Company data

  • Head office

    A-4020 Linz, voestalpine Straße 3

  • Management

    Roland Gammer
    Gerhard Grundnig

  • Company registration number

    FN 544665 d, state court Linz

  • VAT ID no.


ÖBB-Technische Services GmbH

ÖBB-Technische Services GmbH is an indispensable partner for railway companies throughout the whole of Europe. 4,000 skilled workers stand for perfect servicing and further development of rail vehicles and are guided by three pillars, namely maximum safety, state-of-the-art technologies and a strong customer focus. In conjunction with a dense service network in Europe, the TS professionals ensure optimum servicing far beyond Austria’s borders.

Company data

  • Head office

    A-1110 Wien, Grillgasse 48

  • Management

    Bernhard Gritzner

    Ralf Mair

  • Certified according to

    ​Certificates of ÖBB-TS

  • Company registration number

    FN 249665 f, commercial court Vienna

  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Austria AG
    IBAN: AT86 1200 0506 6263 3801, BIC: BKAUATWW

ÖBB-Environmental Services & Logistics GmbH

ÖBB-Environmental Services & Logistics GmbH offers bundled expertise in the areas of waste management and logistics.

In addition to competent advice on waste management issues, the disposal of a wide variety of waste (e.g. construction sites, workshops) or the recycling of secondary raw materials (e.g. scrap metal, paper), the range of services is rounded off by the company’s own freight wagon cleaning facility, inspection, maintenance and cleaning of oil separators.

The advantages are obvious: legal certainty, reliability in processing, control of services – and all this bundled simply and uncomplicatedly in one company.

Services, links and downloads

Company data

  • Head office

    A-1100 Wien, Am Hauptbahnhof 2

  • Management

    Georg Ebenberger

    Markus Meixner, Christopher Prax-Huber

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 45001

  • Company registration number

    FN 181240 f, commercial court Vienna

  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Austria AG
    IBAN: AT87 1200 0528 4407 5901, BIC: BKAUATWW
