Rail Freight Forward
Together with the European Union, we are doing everything we can to drastically reduce the negative effects of freight transport on the planet. That’s why we established Rail Freight Forward – a coalition of European rail freight transport providers. The aim is to shift the increasing volume of traffic from the road onto the rails, and in doing so, raise the modal share of rail freight transport to 30 % by the year 2030.

As a member of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP, climate protection is part of our responsibilities. We focus on the sustainable use of natural resources and ambitious business goals. Together with other pioneers in climate protection and industry leaders, we are therefore helping to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming.

We are working alongside other rail transport companies and other key suppliers through the “Railsponsible” initiative to establish green supply chains and thereby continuously improve sustainability practices across the whole rail industry. We are developing common standards as a basis for these efforts, so that we can make an active contribution to shaping a sustainable future for railways.

As a member of the “respACT – austrian business council for sustainable development” initiative set up by the country’s leading business platform to promote responsible practices, we aim to achieve our commercial, ecological and social goals in harmony with one another. We use lectures and collaborations to promote a shift to rail transport and to raise awareness of rail as a sustainable transport system fit for the future.